Responsibility( Paragraph)

     (a)    What do you mean by responsibility?

     (b)   What types of responsibility does a man to the society?

     (c)    What types of responsibilities can a man perform to his parents?

     (d)   Does the government have responsibilities to the citizens?

     (e)   What types of responsibilities do the citizens perform to the country?

      Responsibility means a duty or an obligation to do something. For example one has the responsibility of taking care of his parents in their old age, attending school and pursuing his studies properly and so on. He has also responsibilities to his neighbor, to society and to the government. Again a responsibility means an obligation or a duty no to do something. He cannot do any harmful act, crime or anything that causes inconvenience to others. Our government has many duties like fulfilling the basic needs of its citizens. To discharge duties with skills and attitude is a good for oneself, for his family and friends, for society and country as a whole.

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